
Real First Name: Jaime (I'm a girl, btw )
Age: 22
Hometown: South Atlanta (don't live there now though)
Occupation: Disabled/Cartoonist
Degree/Education: High school, although I'm working on a masters degree in life
Car: Can't get a license (epilepsy).
Apt or House: Trailer
Married: Nope
Kids: 0
Fav Trek: TNG
Fav TV Show other than Trek: Farscape, Stargate SG-1, Simpsons
Fav Trek Movie: 4 & 9
Fav Movie other than Trek: Return of the Jedi, Spaceballs
Current Fav Band/Artist: Moby
All Time Fav Band/Artist: Maybe Weird Al..
Fav. Author(s) - Erich von Daniken, J.K Rowling
nternet Homepage:
Do you have MSN/AIM/ICQ/Yahoo! Messengers? - AIM
^ If so, what is your messenger address? - ScaperMoon
Coke or Pepsi: Either.
PC Games or Console: Console
Ford or Chevy: Don't care
Gay/Straight/Bi: Straight
First SW Trilogy or Prequels: First Trilogy
Joey or Ross with Rachel: Don't care
Faith: Still trying to figure that out myself...
Gateway or Dell: Macintosh!
Democrat or Republican: Probably democrat, even thought I hate politics.
Xander or Tara with Willow - Don't care.
What do you collect? - Weird and different lamps.
Anything else you'd like to share? - Not really.
