
Real First Name - Tristram
Age - 17
Birthday - September 13, 1985 (Black Friday)
Hometown - Don't know, LAE, PNG (Birthplace) or Darwin, NT, Australia (current residence)
Degree/Education - Primary school, @ High school now
Occupation - Student
Apt or House - House
Married/long term relationship - noo
Kids - 0
Fav. Trek series - TNG/TOS (can't...decide)
Fav. non-Trek series - Police Squad
Fav. Trek movie(s) - TUC
Fav. non-Trek movie(s) - Aliens (why not)
Fav. Author(s) - Tom Clancy
Do you have MSN/AIM/ICQ/Yahoo! Messengers? -MSN
^ If so, what is your messenger address? - Email me to find out ;p
Coke or Pepsi - Coke
Gay/Bi/Undecided/Straight - Straight
Xander or Tara with Willow - I like Willow, but don't follow Buffy anyway
What do you collect? - Anything, mostly
Anything else you'd like to share? - Playing drums for nearly a decade now.
