
Real First Name - Gul
Age - 32
Birthday - October 1
Hometown - Boston
Degree/Education - BA - History, International Relations, MBA
Occupation - Corporate finance
Apt or House - House
Married/long term relationship - Married
Kids - 1 daughter, 1 son (tbd 12/02)
Fav. Trek series - TOS
Fav. non-Trek series - West Wing, Friends
Fav. Trek movie(s) - TWOK
Fav. non-Trek movie(s) - Chinatown, Rashomon
Fav. Author(s) - John Forsythe, Ken Follet, James Clavel
Current Fav. Band/Artist - Bare Naked Ladies
All Time Fav. Band/Artist - Pink Floyd
Do you have MSN/AIM/ICQ/Yahoo! Messengers? - No
^ If so, what is your messenger address? - n/a
Coke or Pepsi- Coke
PC Games or Console - no games
Gay/Bi/Undecided/Straight - straight
Xander or Tara with Willow - ?
What do you collect? - wine
Anything else you'd like to share? - no
