
Real First Name - Geoff(rey)
Age - 18
Birthday - July 17, 1984
Hometown - Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Degree/Education - entering OAC year of high school
Occupation - student/librarian
Apt or House - parents' house
Married/long term relationship - No
Kids - One day
Fav. Trek series - DS9
Fav. non-Trek series - not sure
Fav. Trek movie(s) - not sure
Fav. non-Trek movie(s) - not sure
Fav. Author(s) - not sure
Current Fav. Band/Artist - Sarah Slean
All Time Fav. Band/Artist - Rufus Wainwright
Do you have MSN/AIM/ICQ/Yahoo! Messengers? - ICQ #67265804, and I have MSN but don't give out my address freely
Coke or Pepsi - neither... iced tea and fruit juice for me.
PC Games or Console - PC
Gay/Bi/Undecided/Straight - Yes
Xander or Tara with Willow - Don't like Buffy.
What do you collect? - nothing anymore
Anything else you'd like to share? - Not really.
