
Name: Emily
Age: 17
Where am I now?: Vancouver, WA, USA
Occupation: I wish ;-) wait.. No I don't ;-)
Car: Tan/Copper 1983 GMC Sierra Classic
Fave Trek Show: Enterprise, with VOY at a close second J
Fave Trek Movie: Nemesis
Fave Trek Books: The New Frontier Books J
Fave Trek Characters: Shinzon, Trip, Malcolm, Seven of Nine
Trek "Affiliations" ;-): Tuckerites, Reed Ragers, Xindi-Sloth Ragers (go Xindi-Sloths!!), Shinzon Stalkers Anonymous
Other TV Shows That I Occasionally Watch: Gilmore Girls, and. wait.. I think that's about it
Fave Non-Trek Movie: All the Star Wars movies, especially Episode II
Fave Song: "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling
And, in case you never thought for a minute you could ever possibly know more about me than you ever knew ya didn't wanna know ya wanted to, here ya go: (some answers may be repeated. This is an internet survey :-D.. as if you'd never guess :-D)
1. LIVING ARRANGEMENT? uh...at which house....at my mom's i've got me, my sis (bec), my step-dad (joey), my little bro, and my mom.... at my dad's, i've got me, bec again, aldo, jenny, my dad, and my step-mom (becky)
2.WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? New Frontier Book 10
3. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSEPAD? ya REALLY wanna know??? actually, sadly, it's a blazers one....
4. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? beyond balderdash
5. FAVORITE MAGAZINE? wow, i'm SUCH a teenage girl.... seventeen (although they threatened to sue me, so I take it back), and the other one i get (whatever that darn thing is....)
6. FAVORITE SMELL? i dunno
7. LEAST FAVORITE SMELL? well YOU asked.... either poopy diaper or beer, wine, etc
8. FAVORITE SOUND? i dunno this either
9. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD? uh.... getting a C or lower on an assignment....
10. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? on what days??? school days?? "OH NO!!!! i'm gonna be late!!!!!!!!" or "Dangit!!!! i HATE that stupid alarm!!!!!!!!",..... or both :-)
11. FAVORITE COLOR? silver, orange
12. FAVORITE SONG? easy.... wherever you will go by the calling.... followed closely by the entire episode II soundtrack
13. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? well... since usually i'm running from halfway across teh house, tripping over the cats, slamming into walls, and falling over.... usually about 4
14. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? uh... KIDS??!!! i don't want any KIDS!!!!!!
15. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? uh.... house, career, family, trek!!
16. FAVORITE FOODS? new york cheesecake, cherry cheesecake, chocolate cheesecake, swirl cheesecake....
18. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? NO!!!!!!! i hate people who do it too.... i always drive the speed limit
19. WHAT KIND OF MATTRESS DO YOU SLEEP ON? uh... why does anyone CARE??? i certainly don't.... but it's very uncomfortable...
20. STORMS - COOL OR SCARY? depends... if i'm inside: no... if i'm outside: yes
21. WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? well since i just got it a few months ago..... A 1983 GMC Sierra Classic
22. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON, (ALIVE; M & F) WHO WOULD IT BE? one???? i have to pick ONE???!!!! probably tom hardy, jeri ryan, dominic keating, or connor trinner (i am SUCH a geek.... and proud of it)
23. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? uh.... see #7... plus i'm not 21....
24. WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? is that that one horiscope thing??? then Gemini
25. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? why not??? are they toxic or something???
26. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED WHAT WOULD IT BE? um... let me think a minute.. um... just maybe a MARINE BIOLOGIST!!!!!!!!!!!
28. IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? depends on how mad or depressed i am when i answer...
29. FAVORITE MOVIE? EASILY star wars: episode II (best movie ever created by man) followed by return of the jedi, episode I, and then nemesis (sorry :-8)
31. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? um... a few books... a few storage boxes.... why do YOU care.. ya wanna steal it?
34. SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU:! sue, you are the greatest internet friend in FL a person could ever have :-D and :-8 loves ya
35. LATEST 'INTEREST/HOBBY'? umm.... latest???? trek... no wait, that's been goin on a while. i have no life...
36. LATEST 'HIGH'? uh......
37. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON {DECEASED, M/F}, WHO WOULD IT BE? uh.... um.... i don't wanna meet any dead people... ;-)
38. HOW DO YOU THINK SCHOOL VIOLENCE COULD BE ELIMINATED? i like my friend sue's plan, although i'm IN school, so i probably shouldn't like it.... maybe just kill everyone BUT me (and my friends of course)... or just kill all the dumb people... or just kick out all the dumb people..... Ok, never mind.. I have no idea
