
Real First Name - Jim
Age - 19
Hometown -
Degree/Education - Working toward Political Science B.A.
Occupation - Full time Student
Religion - Methodist
Hobbies - Star Trek, Politics, travel
Fav. Trek series - TNG
Fav. non-Trek series - Frasier
Fav. Trek movie(s) - The Undiscovered Country, First Contact
Fav. non-Trek movie(s) - True Lies, ID4, Rudy, Titanic
Fav. Author(s) - Theodore Dreiser, Tolkien
Do you have MSN/AIM/ICQ/Yahoo! Messengers? -No
^ If so, what is your messenger address? -
Coke or Pepsi - Pepsi (Mountain Dew)
PC Games or Console - PC
Gay/Bi/Undecided/Straight - I'm Republican, what do you think!
